Sarah Sarah

Lights, Camera, Action!

We've all seen it before. The cliche scene from a television show or movie. You know, the one where two people are sitting around talking and one says something about the thing they really want. Often it is something that to the viewer seems very out of reach for the character. But, the conversation continues with a list and plan of action for what needs to happen to accomplish it, and the main character is filled with a certain confidence. The other person is somewhat hesitant at first, but then quickly agrees because it all seems straightforward and so simple. Then you hear the first character utter the words that are so very telling: "How hard could it be?" And you know for certain that many blunders and comical moments are yet to come. You watch the scene unfold knowing it can't possibly be as easy as the characters assume because, obviously, then it wouldn't be good entertainment.

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  1. absorbed in thought; meditative.


  1. contemplation; reflection.